Extruded Cartridge Brush Holders (Head And Headless)
Phoenix Electric Extruded Cartridge Brush Holders allow for easy replaceability, can hold extremely close tolerances, help reduce brush noise, provide for longer brush life, and deliver a better overall commutation system.
We have the most comprehensive range of standard extruded brass inserts in the world, which are designed for brush sizes ranging from 1/16” x 1/6″ up to 1/2″ x 1/2″ and 3/8″ x 3/4″ with many special imperial and metric sizes in between.
We mold our Extruded Cartridge Brush Holders in a vast variety of cutting-edge high impact and high dielectric UL approved thermoset and thermoplastic materials which are proven by the millions every day in critical installations where reliability is paramount. Our experienced engineers are always available to discuss the best material for your application.
All Phoenix Electric Extruded Cartridge Brush Holders are broached and deburred to exacting standards.
To further customize your brush holder to meet your specific requirements, Phoenix Electric can efficiently and economically perform numerous secondary operations, including, but not limited to:
85-Years of Excellence
Since 1938, Phoenix Electric has been the most trusted name in brush holders. We are the largest manufacturer of brush holders in the world and brush holders are our principal product. We have been in business for so long because we are the best at what we do.
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(773) 477-8855
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